

  • Genetic analysis of beef production of Japanese Black Cattle
  • クロゲワシュ ノ サンニク ノウリョク ニ カンスル イデンテキ ブンセキ



Heritabilities, and genetic and phenotypic correlations of performance traits of Japanese Black Cattle were estimated by paternal half-sib correlation method in the results from 431 steers, which were fed at the ten livestock experiment stations from 1960 to 1970 for progeny tests of 74 sires. The data were analyzed on an intra-location and -year basis. The results obtained were as follows:<br>1. The effects of differences between locations and between years within locations were highly significant for all traits.<br>2. Average daily gain on test was greatly affected by neither initial age nor weight of steers, but both final weight and feed efficiency (TDN consumed per unit of gain) were much affected by initial weight.<br>3. The following estimates of heritabilities were obtained: final weight 0.92, final weight per day of age 0.91, average daily gain 0.49, feed efficiency 0.37, dressing percentage 0.77, marbling score 0.56, and carcass grade 0.67. With the exception of final weight and final weight per day of age, the present estimates for these traits are in agreement with those results by several workers.<br>4. The genetic correlations among initial weight, daily gain on test and final weight were highly significant, thus it is suggested from the results that these growth traits may be controlled by the same genes. The genetic and phenotypic correlation between average daily gain and feed efficiency were 0.42 and 0.71, respectively. Marbling score and carcass grade showed a low phenotypic correlation with growth traits, but a high genetic relation to them. There was a high relationship between marbling score and carcass grade.<br>5. Since the heritabilities of most growth traits are relatively high, selection for these traits could be based on the individual's own record, while selection for carcass traits must be based on sib or progeny test.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 43 (7), 366-373, 1972

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

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