

  • Effect of Photoperiod and Castration on the Diurnal Rhythm in the Pituitary Gonadotropic Activity of Male Japanese Quail
  • ユウ ウズラ ノ カスイタイ ゼンヨウ ノ セイセン シゲキ ホルモン リキカ



Using a bioassay based on 32P-uptake by chick testes, the gonadotropic activity of anterior lobes of pituitary at various times during a 24-hr period was determined for intact male quail which were kept under 8L:16D (8 hours light and 16 hours darkness) for 5 weeks from 29 days of age and for intact and castrated quail which were kept under 8L:16D for 3 weeks from 29 days of age and thereafter under 14L:10D for 2 weeks. In intact birds kept under 8L:16D, no appreciable diurnal rhythm in the pituitary gonadotropic activity was observed. In intact birds kept under 14L:10D, the activity showed two peaks at 8:00 (3 hr after the onset of light) and 19:00 (the end of light period). However, only one peak was found at 19:00 in castrated birds kept under 14L:10D. The results indicate that the diurnal rhythm in the pituitary gonadotropic activity of male quail during the abrupt testicular growth may appear in relation to photoperiod and testicular function.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 48 (11), 649-653, 1977

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

