A Stereotaxic Device for Hypophysectomy of the Domestic Fowl

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  • ステレオ装置によるニウトリの下垂体前葉の摘出
  • ステレオ ソウチ ニヨル ニワトリ ノ カスイタイ ゼンヨウ ノ テキシュツ

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A technique for transbucal hypophysectomy of the fowl using a stereotaxic instrument is described. A total of 95 hens were hypophysectomized by our technique with an operating time of about 10 minutes per bird. About 8% of the birds died soon after the operation either as a result of injury to the brain or from hemorrhage or an overdose of Nembutal and 13% were found to be incompletely hypophysectomized. The results suggest that our new techinique for hypophysectomy of the fowl is usetul not only for inexperienced operators but also for technicians trained for orthodox hypophysectomy, since location of the pituitary is quite accessible and the instrument provides considerable accuracy in the subsequent drilling.


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