

  • Genetical Studies on the Native Farm Animals in Japan and her Adiacent Localities.
  • トウショガタ ザイライ バ ノ イデンシ コウセイ ニホン ザイライ カチク ニ カンスル イデンガクテキ ケンキュウ 1
  • I. Gene Constitution of the Island Type Native Horses
  • 1. 島嶼型在来馬の遺伝子構成



In the small islands south and west of Kyushu, Japan, the native horses of pony type have been raised by farmers. These horses are considered to epresent the oldest type of native horses in Japan. So, in order to investigate the peculiarities in gene constitution of that horse breed, the authors made expedition to Tsushima Islands, Tane and Kuchi-erabu Islands, Tokara, Amami and Ryukyu Archipelagoes, and made field surveys on the cost colors and blood types of both pure native and hybrid horses kept by inhabitants of these islands. And, in addition, the authors consulted for comparison the color and blood-typing records on various horse breeds so far published by several antecedents. The results of the investigation are as follows : <br>1. The populations of the native horses have not recessive black gene (a) nor dominant dilution gene (D), but as a result of hybridization with mproved breed introduced from Japanese main inlands the genes a and D have flowed into the populations. <br>2. As the populations of the native horses they are composed only of bay and chestnut horses, they are polymorphic with regard to the B-b locus, the frequency of appearance of chestnut color in these populations being much higher compared with that in the improved horse breeds in Japan. <br>3. The frequency of horses with the erythrocyte antigen Ul in the native breed is nearly zero, whereas in improved breeds it is over 90 percent. Therefore, the population resulted from hybridization between native breed and improved one has individuals with that antigen in an intermediate frequency.


  • 日本畜産学会報

    日本畜産学会報 36 (6), 234-242, 1965

    公益社団法人 日本畜産学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

