From Human Being's Embryology to Gnathology and Occlusion (First Half)

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  • 人類の発生学から咬合学へ (前半)

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It is being important when you understand occlusion is considering a 2-pair-of-shoes walk of human beings and the process of evolution of a life. because, probably malocclusion and the concept of TMD exist only in people, and they are unrelated to other animals. The meaning of this paper is to explain a 2-pair-of-shoes walk, cerebral growth, stress management, the distortion of the whole body that comes from malposition of the lower jaw from human existence. Furthermore, by considering a Japanese root in the second half, malocclusion and a frame pattern are considered and the state of occlusal is reconfirmed. I think that it changes into physiological gnathology and occlusion which took into consideration anthropology, and growth and adaptation of people for the first time from mechanism--by this gnathology.



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