Local Buckling Characteristics of Structural Pipe-in-Pipe Cross-Sections with Very Soft and Thick Cores under External Fluid Pressure
- Sato Motohiro
- 北海道大学大学院工学研究科北方圏環境政策工学専攻
- Patel Minoo H.
- Head of School of Engineering, Cranfield University
- Trarieux Florent
- Research Officer, School of Engineering, Cranfield University
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- Other Title
- 極めて柔軟かつ厚いコアを有するパイプインパイプ断面の静水圧による局部座屈特性
- キワメテ ジュウナン カツ アツイ コア オ ユウスル パイプインパイプ ダンメン ノ セイスイアツ ニ ヨル キョクブザクツトクセイ
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This paper presents an analysis of local collapse mechanisms of a structural pipe-in-pipe cross-section with very soft and thick core when subjected to external hydrostatic pressure. It formulates and solves the elastic collapse problem using the variational principle of minimum potential energy. Effects of therelative stiffness between the outer/inner pipes and the core, and the core thickness on the critical external pressures and the collapse modes are investigated. The paper also proposes a simplified formulation of the localbuckling problem where the outer pipe and its contact with the filler material is considered as a ‘ringon an elastic foundation’.
- Journal of applied mechanics
Journal of applied mechanics 9 25-32, 2006
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680182660352
- NII Article ID
- 130004258377
- 40015305925
- NII Book ID
- AA11311063
- 1884832X
- 13459139
- 8676195
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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- Disallowed