The Strengths of Adult Men Who Received Health Guidance in the Process of Lifestyle Transformation
- Okahisa Reiko
- Institute of Health Biosciences, The University of Tokushima Graduate School
- Tada Toshiko
- The University of Tokushima
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- Other Title
- 保健指導を受けた成人男性の生活習慣改善過程におけるストレングス
- ホケン シドウ オ ウケタ セイジン ダンセイ ノ セイカツ シュウカン カイゼン カテイ ニ オケル ストレングス
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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to clarify the strengths of adult men who received the health guidance in the process of lifestyle transformation. Method: The word "strengths" is defined as "the powers and abilities of people" in the lifestyle transformation process. Participants were a total of 15 adult men who received the Specific Health Guidance (age 40s-50s), obtained consent for this study. The design of this study is a qualitative inductive research. Semi-structured interviews were conducted. Interview time needed about an hour per person. The guidance for the interview corsisted of the following points: the nature of life after having the health guidance and the changes that occurred due to the guidance, the meaning of changing the life style, the things that helped make improvements in life style, and the future goals or aims in sustaining this new life style. Results: The results of the qualitative inductive analysis showed six categories of Strengths: the strength to think about one's own life-span; the strength to understand one's own state among one's personal relationships; the strength to analyze one's own personality and lifestyle; the strength to be aware of possible conduct to change one's own lifestyle; the strength to respond to and control stress; and the strength to realize the objectives in the improvement of one's lifestyle habits in accordance with one's own life. Discussion: The contents of the strengths of adult men in their lifestyle transformation process included not only the recognition side but also the action side. And the strengths had the power to create changes. Furthermore the strengths interacted with each other and were brought out from the interaction with others in the time axis of past, present and future. These findings suggest the possibility of introducing the concept of strengths into health guidance for preventing lifestyle-related diseases.
- Journal of Japan Academy of Community Health Nursing
Journal of Japan Academy of Community Health Nursing 17 (3), 41-50, 2015
Japan Academy of Community Health Nursing
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680184541184
- NII Article ID
- 110009931523
- NII Book ID
- AA11362530
- 24320803
- 13469657
- 026302168
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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