Students' Awareness of Information Ethics:<BR>A comparative study of reflections

  • Onuki Kazunori
    Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
  • Suzuki Kanae
    Graduate School of Library, Information and Media Studies, University of Tsukuba
  • Hatano Kazuhiko
    National Institute of Multimedia Education

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  • 体験を重視した情報モラルを育成する授業と生徒の気づき
  • タイケン オ ジュウシ シタ ジョウホウ モラル オ イクセイ スル ジュギョウ ト セイト ノ キヅキ

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This study examined the instructional methods for information ethics education at the senior high school. Two methods were used to teach information ethics. One was lecture-based and the other was by experience. Students were asked to write their reflections on the class. This study found differences in the reflections of the experimental group (N=23) and the control group (N=24). Most students who learned by experience pointed out difficulty in identifying a character through Internet. They considered about Internet anonymity from both point of view; a transmitter and a recipient. It is suggested that students who learned by experience were better able to understand the concept of Internet anonymity, although this effect was limited.


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