The Number of Seabird Nests on Yagishiri Island during 2010–2013

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  • 2010–2013年の焼尻島における海鳥の巣数
  • 2010 – 2013ネン ノ ヤギシリトウ ニ オケル カイチョウ ノ ソウスウ

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During a 2010–2013 census of the number of seabird nests on Yagisihi Island the number of Japanese Cormorant Phalacrocorax capillatus nests fluctuated, whereas Slaty-backed Gull Larus schistisagus nests continuously increased. In 2013, Black-tailed Gulls L. crassirostris nested in Yagishiri Island for the first time. More than half of Slaty-backed Gull nests were located on artifacts at Yagishiri Port. Fluctuations in the number of Japanese Cormorant nests on Yagishiri Island generally corresponded with those occurring at Teuri Island.


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