
  • 花房 直志
    岡山大学自然生命科学研究支援センター 光・放射線情報解析部門鹿田施設
  • 永松 知洋
    岡山大学自然生命科学研究支援センター 光・放射線情報解析部門鹿田施設
  • 小野 俊朗
    岡山大学自然生命科学研究支援センター 光・放射線情報解析部門鹿田施設


  • Practice of the safe handling of radioisotopes using naturally occurring radioactive materials
  • シゼン キゲン ホウシャセイ ブッシツ オ モチイタ ホウシャセイ ドウイ ゲンソ ノ アンゼン トリアツカイ ジッシュウ



  We proposed a practical protocol for the safe handling of radiation and radioisotopes using the naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) 87Rb and 40K. The protocol can be utilized for the education and training course for radiation handling workers. Rubidium chloride solutions were used for the practice of dilution of unsealed radioisotopes instead of 32P. Rubidium chloride and potassium chloride solid radiation sources were used for the practice of monitoring of the surface contamination using the GM survey meter instead of 32P and 14C. Rubidium chloride solutions were also used for the practice of the contamination check by the smear method. Substitution of the radioisotopes under the Laws Concerning the Prevention from Radiation Hazards due to Radioisotope and others to NORMs can be successfully achieved without notable demerits. We supposed that most of the practice for the safe handling of radioisotopes could be carried out outside a controlled area.<br>


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