A Problem-based Learning Support System with Reverse Polish Notation(<Special Issue>Scientific and Technology Education Using ICT)

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  • 逆ポーランド記法を対象とした問題解決型学習支援システム(<特集>ICTを用いた科学技術教育)
  • 逆ポーランド記法を対象とした問題解決型学習支援システム
  • ギャクポーランドキホウ オ タイショウ ト シタ モンダイ カイケツガタ ガクシュウ シエン システム

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Since students were used to being given the information for solving a problem, they who are becoming weak to discover a problem, discover the information for solving it and solve a problem using it are increasing. It is required by thinking personally to learn and improve the capability for solving a problem. For that purpose, the study which it not only memorizes the given information, but solves a problem by what the student itself considers is effective. In order to offer the learning environment, we propose the study form which makes the mutual conversion between the reverse polish notation and infix notation. This study form has combined group learning and self learning with Problem-Based Learning, makes the student think, and makes the study which solves a problem experience, by making the student notice a mistake in process of study. We discuss the learning support system which supports such study effectively.



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