The Development and Evaluation of a System for Class to Support the Training of Planing Motion

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  • かんな掛け動作の学習を支援するための授業用システムの開発と評価
  • 教育システム開発論文 かんな掛け動作の学習を支援するための授業用システムの開発と評価
  • キョウイク システム カイハツ ロンブン カンナカケ ドウサ ノ ガクシュウ オ シエン スル タメ ノ ジュギョウヨウ システム ノ カイハツ ト ヒョウカ

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<p>We developed a system for class to support the training of planing motion. We used it in classes to evaluate our system. When students train the planing motion with smartphone application and exclusive plane, training records are accumulated in database and shown on teacher's device as the information that is useful for instruction. Through practical use, it was revealed that students' planing motion significantly improved between before and after the training. The result of questionnaire to students showed that our system motivated students and it had room for improvement at effecting to their concentration. Moreover, the result of interview to teacher showed that our system is useful to efficient individual instruction.</p>


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