Puppetry as a Catalyst in Role-Play : A Face-to-Face Collaborative Learning Environment that Facilitates Various Insights into the Perspectives(<Special Issue>Informal Learning in the Information Society)

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  • ロールプレイを活性化する触媒としての人形劇 : 多様な視点からの洞察を促すための対面協調学習環境(<特集>情報化社会におけるインフォーマルラーニング)
  • ロールプレイを活性化する触媒としての人形劇 : 多様な視点からの洞察を促すための対面協調学習環境
  • ロールプレイ オ カッセイカ スル ショクバイ ト シテ ノ ニンギョウゲキ : タヨウ ナ シテン カラ ノ ドウサツ オ ウナガス タメ ノ タイメン キョウチョウ ガクシュウ カンキョウ

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Role-play is a powerful learning strategy that promotes the learners to broaden their perspectives in various learning subjects - not only in humanity but also in science. In this paper, we will introduce a new possibility of puppetry as a device to facilitate the gaining of various insights into the perspectives of others in collaborative face-to-face role-play - especially for role-play in decision making in complex and ill-structured situations. Using puppetry with multiple puppets creates a psychological distance from the player's identity, allowing the players to play various roles based on their various perspectives. The case study of the puppetry role-play shows that the players can play various roles as though in a realistic situation. The possibility of puppetry as a catalyst interface for face-to-face CSCL systems is discussed.


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