Regeneration of <i>Magnolia stellata</i> by Sprouting and Seedling Establishment during the First Year after Clearcutting

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  • シデコブシ自生地の皆伐後1 年目の萌芽・実生更新
  • シデコブシ ジセイチ ノ カイバツゴ 1ネンメ ノ ホウガ ・ ミショウ コウシン

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The post-clearcutting regeneration of Magnolia stellata, an endangered tree species endemic to the hilly Tokai region of Japan, has been investigated. Regeneration by sprouting and seedling establishment was evaluated in a plot measuring 30 m × 10 m between April and November in 2012. After clearcutting, the dominant species (in terms of total number of sprouts) within the plot were Ilex pedunculosa, M. stellata, Hydrangea paniculata and Gamblea innovans. H. paniculata accounted for most of the taller nearest neighbors of M. stellata individuals and was therefore considered to be the primary competitor of M. stellata. The mortality rates for stumps and individuals of M. stellata were 19 and 12%, respectively. Stump death was independent of age and size, so individuals with few stumps were most likely to die. Stumps with diameters of 12-20 cm produced the greatest numbers of sprouts, so this stump diameter was regarded as optimal for regeneration by sprouting. In total, 175 seedlings germinated from seed banks were identified after clearcutting.



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