Responsibility of a Community Pharmacist as an Expert of Medicine Seen from the Perspective of Contents regarding Inquiries about Prescriptions

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  • 疑義照会の内容からみる薬の専門家としての薬局薬剤師の責務
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Objective: The dispensing fee revision of April in 2016 made a review of the assessment of inquiries about prescriptions.  The requirement was added by articles that seemed to be pharmaceutically necessary, showing an increase of responsibility for pharmacists.  Based on this, we performed a discussion while collecting the cases of inquiries about prescriptions.<br>Method: Among the inquiries about prescriptions performed at Jinjo Pharmacy for 4 months starting from April in 2016, we selected 83 cases where a prescription was changed by the pharmacist’s recommendation, based on pharmaceutical information such as drug duplication or drug interaction and confirmation of leftover medicine.  Then, we compared them with the study of inquiries about prescriptions performed by the Japan Pharmaceutical Association in 2015.<br>Result/Consideration: Inquiries about dose were the leading content, followed by those about duplication with other drugs of same indications and appropriateness of dose considering the adjustment of number of days due to residual drug, which showed the importance of medicinal history and prescription records.  It is considered necessary to renew the contents of the prescription record properly, based on the information acquired, while at the same time changing the pharmaceutical history based on those records.  It is thought that an inquiry about prescriptions will be performed appropriately by making a judgment based on such information. In order to do that, updated knowledge about medicine and updated information about drugs is necessary.  In comparison of the two studies, both showed that the drug information on “safety” and “dose and dose regimen” accounted for a large part of inquiries.  Further consideration on them will be necessary.


  • Iyakuhin Johogaku

    Iyakuhin Johogaku 18 (4), 295-300, 2017

    Japanese Society of Drug Informatics

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