The Bipolarization of the Regional Banks and Its Future “Problem Solving Type Banks” and “Lending Exclusion Type Banks”

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  • 二極化する地域金融,その未来
  • 二極化する地域金融,その未来 : 「課題解決型銀行」と「金融排除型銀行」
  • ニキョクカ スル チイキ キンユウ,ソノ ミライ : 「 カダイ カイケツガタ ギンコウ 」 ト 「 キンユウ ハイジョガタ ギンコウ 」
  • 「課題解決型銀行」と「金融排除型銀行」

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There is the remarkable bipolarization of the regional bank's business models. Many of them are traditional "scale pursuit type", and some of them are "problem solving type" required by the Japan Financial Services Agency (JFSA). "Scale pursuit type" has made loans dependent on collateral and guarantees, but their profit has ceased to exist with a decline in interest rates for a long time. JFSA points out that the "Japanese version of lending exclusion" does not lend money to companies, despite its business value, depending on collateral and guarantees. On the other hand, some regional banks and credit unions challenge the business model of "lending inclusion" that solve business problems of customer companies and improve the sustainability, not lending exclusion. They solve many problems of customer companies by supporting such as matching of sales channels, sourcing, and human resources. One of those abolishes the quota, because meeting the quota is not necessarily a mean to improve customer value. This bank tries to reduce costs and change business model by cloud computing and the scrapping of the branch offices. Those banks that create shared value have an advantage of margin.<br>


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