Relationship between Arteriosclerotic Diseases of Large Artery and Metabolic Syndrome as Assessed by Pulse Wave Velocities
- Matsuzaki Junko
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Ono Yuri
- Yuri Ono Clinic
- Kusunoki Ayumi
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Ban Yuka
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Miyamoto Ayako
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Kobayashi Michiko
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Maejima Sumiko
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Sasaki Tomoko
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Takahashi Shuji
- Department of Clinical Laboratory, Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Iwata Kayo
- Department of Health Examination Center Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Ehara Ryouko
- Department of Health Examination Center Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
- Hata Yosinobu
- Department of Health Examination Center Sapporo Social General Insurance Hospital
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 脈波伝播速度からみたメタボリックシンドロームと大動脈硬化との関わり
- ミャクハ デンパ ソクド カラ ミタ メタボリックシンドローム ト ダイドウミャク コウカ ト ノ カカワリ
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Objective: Among people (n=652) who underwent health check-ups at our hospital, we compared the results of the pulse wave velocity test (PWV) for those who had been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome and those who had not.<br>Methods: First, the examinees were divided into 3 groups: metabolic syndrome group (MetS), non-metabolic syndrome group (non-MetS) and normal group, and then further divided into an A group (PWV ≥ 1,600cm/sec) and a B group (PWV <1,600cm/sec).<br>The groups were then compared using multiple medical check-up factors. <br>Results: The proportion of all examinees diagnosed with MetS was 43.7%. There were significant differences between the MetS and non-MetS groups as regards PWV , gender, GPT, γ-GTP,uric acid, serum creatinine, and BMI. For the MetS group, there were significant differences regarding age and maximum blood pressure between the A and B subgroups while for the non-MetS group, there were significant differences regarding gender, age, maximum blood pressure, minimum blood pressure, GOT, and fasting plasma glucose between the A and B subgroups. For the normal group, there were significant differences in age, maximum blood pressure and minimum blood pressure between the A and B groups. <br>Conclusion: As high PWV values were also observed in the non-MetS groups, such people should also have proper health counseling concerning arteriosclerosis.
- Official Journal of Japan Society of Ningen Dock
Official Journal of Japan Society of Ningen Dock 24 (4), 859-864, 2009
Japan Society of Ningen Dock
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680211812992
- NII Article ID
- 10026138769
- NII Book ID
- AA12055286
- 21865027
- 18801021
- 10546876
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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