Reevaluation of the systematic position of the genus Tonza Walker (Yponomeutoidea: family incertae sedis), based on Tonza citrorrhoa Meyrick, new to Japan

  • KOBAYASHI Shigeki
    Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University
  • SOHN Jae-Cheon
    Department of Entomology, Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History
  • YOSHIYASU Yutaka
    Entomological Laboratory, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University

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  • 日本初記録のTonza属(スガ上科,所属未定)の分類学的位置の再評価

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The previously suggested association of Tonza with Plutellidae is reevaluated. One congener, Tonza citrorrhoa Meyrick, 1905, is newly recorded from Japan. Adult morphologies of T. citrorrhoa are described with photographs and illustrations, and the wing venation and genital structures of Tonza are described for the first time. New diagnostic characters are proposed for Tonza and they include: antennae almost same length of forewing; forewing with only three radial plus radial sector veins; in male genitalia, both uncal processes and socii present; in female genitalia, lamella antevaginalis strongly sclerotized. These generic characters seem to better associate Tonza with Attevidae rather than Plutellidae.


  • Lepidoptera Science

    Lepidoptera Science 66 (2), 68-76, 2015


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