

  • Reconstruction of 3D Models from 2D Assembly Drawings
  • 製品の2次元組立図の自動3次元化--規格部品の多い2次元組立図への適用
  • セイヒン ノ 2ジゲン クミタテズ ノ ジドウ 3ジゲンカ キカク ブヒン ノ オオイ 2ジゲン クミタテズ エ ノ テキヨウ
  • —Application to 2D Assembly Drawings Consisting of Many Standardized Parts—
  • —規格部品の多い2次元組立図への適用—



Solid models play a primary role in modern CAD systems. However, 2D CAD systems are still commonly used for designing products having no complex curved faces. Automatic systems to reconstruct solid models from 2D drawings have been needed but actual systems cannot exist. One of the reason is that many products consist of standardized parts such as bars and plates, and they are drawn as 2D assembly drawings. In these cases, it is not necessary to draw all part drawings of the products. However, the objects of all the previously proposed methods have been limited to one component. In this paper, a method is proposed that solid models are reconstructed from 2D assembly drawings consisting of many standardized parts. Many solutions could be obtained easily in 2D assembly drawings because they are more complex than part drawings. On the other hand, this method can generate a few solutions regardless of the complexity of them by using their dimensions, part numbers and parts lists.


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