Body image dissatisfaction and abnormal eating behaviors

  • Yamatsuta Keisuke
    School of Information-Oriented Management, Sangyo-Noritsu (SANNO) University

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  • 食行動異常の発現および維持にかかわる身体像不満足感の影響
  • ショク コウドウ イジョウ ノ ハツゲン オヨビ イジ ニ カカワル シンタイゾウ フマンゾクカン ノ エイキョウ

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The relationship between abnormal eating behaviors in women and body image dissatisfaction was investigated. Female college students (n=554) participated in the study. Results indicated that women with a body mass index as low as 25.0 exhibited abnormal eating behaviors. Moreover, there was an association between body image dissatisfaction and abnormal eating behaviors. The results of path analysis indicated that “dissatisfaction with others' opinion of one's body” and “dissatisfaction with one' own face” influenced “dissatisfaction with plumpness.” In addition, “dissatisfaction with plumpness” and “dissatisfaction with others' opinion of one's body” influenced the “control of food intake” and “uncontrollable intake of excessive food.”


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