

  • A Revolution for Manufacturing and Daily Life Based upon Co-Operational Robot with Human
  • 協働ロボット(コボット)が拓く生産と生活の革新 : 人間・ロボット共存の新時代
  • キョウドウロボット(コボット)ガ ヒラク セイサン ト セイカツ ノ カクシン : ニンゲン ・ ロボット キョウゾン ノ シン ジダイ
  • 人間・ロボット共存の新時代
  • A New Era of Human-Robot Co-Operation



This paper describes robot innovation in the field of manufacturing and our daily life realized by human co-operative robot (Co-bot). Firstly, the paper introduces the 1) “Robot Revolution” proposed by Japanese government. As a key component to realize the revolution, the paper also introduces 2) the history of the Co-robot in terms of widening the robot scope from individual robot to social robot. Secondly, the paper discusses the revolution in factories and at home by showing a) the image of new work- and life-style with robots, b) the problems to be solved and c) solutions. Finally, the paper concludes that the forming the community composed of not only robot hardware& software companies but also service providers and educational/public relation organizations is essential.


  • 横幹

    横幹 9 (2), 79-85, 2015

    特定非営利活動法人 横断型基幹科学技術研究団体連合

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