Activities without Institutionalization

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  • 制度化なき活動―日本におけるTA(テクノロジーアセスメント)及びTA的活動の限界と教訓
  • セイドカ ナキ カツドウ ニホン ニ オケル TA テクノロジーアセスメント オヨビ TAテキ カツドウ ノ ゲンカイ ト キョウクン
  • 日本におけるTA(テクノロジ-アセスメント)及びTA的活動の限界と教訓

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Even though the TA has not been institutionalized in Japan, there have been many TA and TA-like activities, in areas including food, healthcare, energy and technology strategy, since the idea of TA was introduced from the US. This paper analyzes the nature and limits of those TA and TA-like activities; and lessons for the institutionalization of TA in the context of Japan are discussed, including the need for flexible framing and collaboration, the importance of appropriate distance, and the role of the Diet.



    SOCIOTECHNICA 7 199-210, 2010

    Sociotechnology Research Network

Citations (2)*help

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