An Exercise Game Reflecting Heart Rate

  • MASUKO Soh
    Systems & Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba JSPS
  • HOSHINO Junichi
    Systems & Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba JST

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Other Title
  • 心拍数制御を用いた運動支援ゲーム


It is known that lack of exercise is detrimental to health, and various exercise machines which people can use easily in a room are available. But, it was difficult to get enough effects from exercise. Because expertise was necessary to ascertain what kind of exercise should have performed and how long we should exercise. Therefore, fitness machines with automatic controls are developed so that people can exercise efficiently, and exercise programs are designed with game elements to encourage regular exercise. However, there were problems that monotonous exercise makes it difficult for people to experience a sense of accomplishment, and if the degree of difficulty of the game is not set properly, people cannot perform the appropriate amount of exercise. Then we propose the exercise game, which measures the player heart rate in real time while playing a game and the contents of the game are actively adjusted, based on heart rate. Thus allowing users to perform sufficient amounts of exercise and experience a sense of accomplishment. Finally, we design an exercise game using the proposed method and evaluate.



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