Education Policy and the Strategy of Competencies in Globalism(<Special Issue>Academic Achievement Policies and Schools)

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  • グローバリズムと学力の国際戦略(<特集>学力政策と学校づくり)
  • グローバリズムと学力の国際戦略
  • グローバリズム ト ガクリョク ノ コクサイ センリャク

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New trends are emerging in the internationalization and marketization of education since the 1990s. IOs (International Organizations) or IGOs (Intergovernmental Organizations), and the market have become new forms of governance, as well as the nation state. Education policy making is affected by these three actors. The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) has strongly influenced education policies in many industrialized countries and other countries. The education policy of the OECD is based on governance theory, globalism and neoliberalism. The OECD has collected a lot of data about education, then processed, classified, analyzed and stored the data, and finally supplied marketed education policy information. World trade, global warming, human rights, local conflicts, and even education have become major global issues and are dealt with by sovereign state actors. The EU (European Union) also is a great global actor. Credits, diplomas, certifications and other indicators of education and training have been standardized and identified beyond the borders of European countries. Many non-EU countries are joining in the 'Bologna Process' and the 'Copenhagen Process'. The OECD has cooperated with the EU in educational policy, especially in two decades. The OECD launched "PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment)" from 2000, and is monitoring educational policy of member states and others. The OECD's "DeSeCo (Definition and Selection of Competencies)" Project and Eurydice of the EU have attempted to define competencies in basic education. There is this powerful background to the PISA studies. Every country cannot ignore global rules. It is better for nation-states to take part in global relations as a global actor to solve domestic problems as well as international ones.


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