
  • 門馬 昭彦
    産業技術総合研究所 エネルギー技術研究部門
  • 高野 清南
    産業技術総合研究所 エネルギー技術研究部門
  • 田中 洋平
    産業技術総合研究所 エネルギー技術研究部門
  • 嘉藤 徹
    産業技術総合研究所 エネルギー技術研究部門


  • Evaluating uncertainty in the standardization of SOFC cell/stack power generation performance tests
  • コタイ サンカブツケイ ネンリョウ デンチ(SOFC)タンセル/スタック ノ ハツデン セイノウ シケン ホウホウ ノ キカクカ ニ オケル フ タシカ サ ヒョウカ : SOFC ノ フキュウ ニ ムケタ シケン ホウホウ ノ キカクカ ト ソクテイ ケッカ ノ シンライセイ タンポ
  • — Standardization of test methods and ensuring reliability of test results for the dissemination of SOFC —
  • - SOFCの普及に向けた試験方法の規格化と測定結果の信頼性担保 -



SOFC (solid oxide fuel cell) is a very promising technology that achieves high power generation efficiency, while being very nearly usable. It is high time we considered enhancing commercialization and dissemination of SOFC by setting a standard for the evaluation method of SOFC cell/stack performance. In setting the standard, it is neither appropriate to describe the specific content or form of the test object, nor appropriate to unify the test conditions, because each type of SOFC has been developed for a different application owing to the diversity of SOFC. On the other hand, uncertainty evaluation of the test results has been introduced to ensure reliability. In setting a standard for the SOFC performance test, it is necessary that the method for uncertainty evaluation be specifically described in the text, because the performance of SOFC depends on many parameters. This report describes the approaches we have taken in order to set the international standard of the SOFC test method and to evaluate the uncertainty of the test results.


  • Synthesiology

    Synthesiology 5 (4), 243-252, 2012

    国立研究開発法人 産業技術総合研究所

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