中学生の野菜摂取促進に向けて : 1食単位の食事構成力を育む「3・1・2弁当箱法」を活用して


  • Promotion of Vegetable Consumption Among Middle School Students : Utilizing the 3.1.2 Lunch Box Diet Method to Foster the Development of One Meal Unit Based Meal-Planning Skills
  • チュウガクセイ ノ ヤサイ セッシュ ソクシン ニ ムケテ : 1ショク タンイ ノ ショクジ コウセイリョク オ ハグクム 「 3 ・ 1 ・ 2 ベントウバコホウ 」 オ カツヨウ シテ



For many years, Japanese people have had the tendency of avoiding vegetables, which is especially apparent in younger generations. This study aims to create awareness among students about the daily vegetable requirements and an attitude toward consuming an appropriate amount of vegetables through, a teaching method for middle-school Home Economics classes. In this study, the 3.1.2 lunch box diet method, which fosters the development of one meal unit based meal-planning skills, was adopted to easily estimate the amount of vegetables consumed. The amounts of the vegetables in the lunch box were compared in the learning program (step1-step4) and were evaluated from five viewpoints, and the effects of the program were was measured. Questionnaires were given before and after the program, and path analysis was conducted to examine. The effect of the learning program. Our results showed that the program, using the 3.1.2 lunch box diet method, effectively increased the vegetable consumption of middle school students at school, home and outside.


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