Annual changes in the average length of stay at general hospitals by founder

  • Kato Naoko
    Department of Social Services and Healthcare Management, International University of Health and Welfare
  • Kondo Masahide
    University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Medicine
  • Okubo Ichiro
    University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Medicine Yokohama City Institute of Public Health
  • Hasegawa Toshihiko
    Future Health on Research Institute

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Other Title
  • 開設者別に見た一般病院の平均在院日数の年次推移
  • ─1971年から2014年までの変化─
  • ──Changes from 1971 to 2014──


<p>Since 1980s, the average length of stay of inpatients at hospitals has become shorter. In general, it is considered that the duration of hospitalization is influenced by the fee points for medical service;however, responses to policies vary from hospital to hospital. We followed, for a long period of time, and evaluated the annual changes in the average length of stay at general hospitals by founder to determine if the length of stay was associated with the policies in some way.</p><p>We performed a join-point regression analysis using data from hospital reports between 1971 and 2014. The results revealed that the changes in the length of stay indeed varied by the founder of the hospital. In addition, we randomly sampled policies associated with the length of stay from basic historical materials to summarize the tendencies. The results showed two major tendencies:policies not applicable to long-term care for elderly, or policies including provision of financial incentives to shorten the length of stay to promote shift to acute-phase care.</p><p>In regard to the annual changes in the length of stay, medical corporations showed marked differences from other founders. Since multiple policies corresponding to inflection points of the length of stay were found, we concluded that medical corporations possibly had strong responses to policies.</p>


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    • CiNii Articles
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