Recent changes in the organizational environment for facilitating utilization of female human resources
- Nagoya University
- Nagoya University
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- Other Title
- 女性の能力活用をめぐる職場環境の変化
- Focusing upon the effects of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Law
- 男女雇用機会均等法の影響について
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Since implementation of EEO statutes in 1986 in Japan, many studies have reported that the direct impact of this law in bringing about equal employment opportunities for female workers is very limited. To examine this question, a study was attempted to evaluate to what extent the EEO statutes impacted upon improving employment conditions of female workers in Aichi Prefecture since 1986. A mail questionnaire survey was done in October, 1989. The 437 establishments responded the questionnaire.<BR>Results of the data analysis indicated that corporate practices to provide equal opportunities had been done most extensively in the area of recruitment and selection, and separation and retirement. Next, training and education was the area in which efforts had been expended considerably to achieve equality between male and female workers. However, equal opportunities for job assignment, job rotation, and promotion were found to be the least affected areas by the EEO statutes since 1986. These findings coincided with those reported by the other local government agencies, Metoropolitan Tokyo and Kanagawa Prefecture, for example.
- Japanese Journal of Administrative Science
Japanese Journal of Administrative Science 5 (1), 47-57, 1990
The Japanese Association of Administrative Science
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680275633024
- NII Article ID
- 110003774717
- NII Book ID
- AN10281730
- 18846432
- 09145206
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
- Abstract License Flag
- Disallowed