- 尾崎 一郎
- 北海道大学
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- 都市の公共性と法主体
- トシ ノ コウキョウセイ ト ホウ シュタイ
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It is not the 'poaching' subject (actor) who will see law as instrument to be used or not used depending on particular situations but the self-deceiving subject who knows that law is fiction and dares to commit to law however, that will succeed in re-establishing the public sphere thorough communications on (legal) norms in modern urbanized and atomized society. It is because (s) he has to re-share inter-subjective order of meaning on norms for public relations. Though we can never see law as Kantian 'categorical imperative' any more, we should not diminish law to no more than instrument or resource for power.
- The Sociology of Law
The Sociology of Law 2006 (64), 162-176,280, 2006
The Japanese Association of Sociology of Law
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680279451904
- NII Article ID
- 130003426146
- 40007264517
- NII Book ID
- AN00225267
- 24241423
- 04376161
- 7924866
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- JaLC
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