Sediment Transports and Qualities of Sediment in Rivers Flowing into Tokyo Bay

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  • 東京湾流入河川における土砂輸送・底質環境特性


To clarify sediment transport and qualities of sediment in rivers flowing into Tokyo Bay, we performed field measurements and numerical simulation for suspended- and bed-load transports and sediment qualities in the influent rivers. Particle size and ignition loss (IL) of sediment in several influent rivers were found to be similar to those in coastal area. Bed-load transport of coarse and fine sands, which are found in sediments of tidal flat, were larger than the corresponding suspended-load transport, indicating the importance of the bed-load transport for the sediment supply to tidal flat. It is also found that one third of the total sediment yield in the whole basin of Tokyo Bay was trapped in dams located in the basin.


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