A Study on Speculators’ Attendance Frequency at JapaneseProfessional Team Sports: Application of the NBD Dirichlet Model
- WAKUTA Ryuji
- Kyoto Sangyo University
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- Other Title
- 日本のプロスポーツチームの観戦頻度に関する研究 : ディリクレモデルの適用
- ニホン ノ プロスポーツチーム ノ カンセン ヒンド ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : ディリクレモデル ノ テキヨウ
- A Study on Speculators’ Attendance Frequency at JapaneseProfessional Team Sports: Application of the NBD Dirichlet Model
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This study aims to correlate previous conflicting studies by asking whether the Japanese professional team-sports market can be approximated using the Negative Binomial Distribution (NBD) Dirichlet Model. Results show that the value of speculators’ attendance frequency of each team is equal to the theoretical value affected by the degree of market penetration. The results also reveal that teams which achieved only a negatively divergent low attendance frequency compared with the theoretical value have continued to exist at a constant ratio. Therefore, these findings serve to validate the claim that the two conflicting statements in previous studies are, in fact, not contradictory.
- Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry
Journal of Japan Society of Sports Industry 27 (2), 2_135-2_148, 2017
Japan Society of Sports Industry
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680294540288
- NII Article ID
- 130006901784
- 40021174237
- NII Book ID
- AA11424434
- 18842534
- 13430688
- 028135387
- Text Lang
- en
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- OpenAIRE
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