The Application if Sports Lottery Fund for “Jian Shen Lu Jing” in China: A Case Study

  • HE Huiqun
    Graduate School of Sport Sciences, Waseda University
  • HARADA Kazuhiro
    Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University
  • NAKAMURA Yoshio
    Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University

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  • 中国におけるスポーツ振興くじ公益金を活用した “健身路経” の事例
  • チュウゴク ニ オケル スポーツ シンコウクジ コウエキキン オ カツヨウ シタ"ケンシンロケイ"ノ ジレイ
  • The Application if Sports Lottery Fund for ^|^ldquo;Jian Shen Lu Jing^|^rdquo; in China: A Case Study

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    “Jian Shen Lu Jing” (JSLJ) is an installation site located in places like parks, residential areas, etc. At such places, health appliances are installed, which use one’ s body weight as the load, and JSLJ are a public sports establishment for physical activity. JSLJ was first established in September 1996 at the TianHe Gymnasium of Guangzhou, China. The health appliances are mainly used outdoors. Further, their durability, maintenance, and safety design are taken into consideration. On the basis these facets, the basic apparatus gymnastics tools such as iron bar and wall bar are included. Additionally, some original health appliances are also installed to strengthen the entire muscles of the body and to improve the joint movements, which become feeble as we grow older.<BR>    The Chinese State General Administration of Sports and the Sports Bureau play a vital role in developing JSLJ. The Chinese State General Administration of Sports had conducted 12 fitness programs from 1997 to 2008. The total number of JSLJ maintained throughout the country is 8,727. The eastern region comprises of 1,958 centers, whereas the middle and western regions have 3,091 and 3,678 fitness centers respectively. The development of JSLJ is based on regions; in the middle and western region (the internal region) , there are a higher number of JSLJ as compared to the ones in the eastern region. In China, it is considered that the development of JSLJ tends to move from the coastal area towards the internal region. JSLJ complements the lack of adequate public sports establishment and it has shown that the regional health disparity can be alleviated or minimized through policy intervention.



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