Study on Simultaneous Movement of Water and Salt of Unsaturated Sandy Soil with Tidal Cycle Variation

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  • 潮位変動に伴う不飽和砂地盤内の塩と水の同時移動に関する研究
  • チョウイ ヘンドウ ニ トモナウ フホウワ スナジバン ナイ ノ シオ ト ミズ ノ ドウジ イドウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

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It is known that sea level rise due to global warming has great effect on not only the ground located below sea level but also the unsaturated ground located over sea level. However, assessment of impacts to the concentration of salt in freshwater and seawater in unsaturated ground have not been elucidated sufficiently. In this paper, we focus on the impact on sandy beaches due to tidal cycle variation, especially on the salt concentration of unsaturated ground. We demonstrate experimentally the simultaneous movement of water and salt concentration of unsaturated ground by water retention test using seawater and freshwater and experimental study of leaching by the surface brine variability and rainfall.


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