Depth-integrated Non-hydrostatic Model for Levee Overflow
- IKEZAWA Hiroki
- The University of Tokyo
- SHIMOZONO Takenori
- The University of Tokyo
- SATO Shinji
- The University of Tokyo
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- 非静水圧を考慮した鉛直積分型堤防越流モデルの開発
- ヒセイスイアツ オ コウリョ シタ エンチョク セキブンガタ テイボウエツリュウ モデル ノ カイハツ
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The 2011 Tohoku tsunami overflowed coastal levees and devastated their hinterlands in numerous coastal towns. The disastrous event highlighted the importance of coastal risk evaluation for extreme tsunami overflow while the effects of coastal levees are not well accounted for in existing flood models. The purpose of this study is to develop a 1D depth-integrated non-hydrostatic model for tsunami flooding over a levee with a trapezoidal cross section. The model is capable of simulating tsunami overflow seamlessly as the levee is simply treated as a steep topography. To confirm the model performance, a levee-overflow experiments are conducted in a current flume, and the model results are compared with the experimental data. It is concluded that hydrostatic models result in a significant underestimation of overflow discharge, whereas the present model, which accounts for the non-hydrostatic pressure due to vertical flow acceleration aroud the levee, performs much better especially when the overflow depth is large.
- Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering)
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering) 71 (2), I_7-I_12, 2015
Japan Society of Civil Engineers