On Japanese Vocabrary in the Specialized Subject Textbooks for First-year students

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  • 日本橋学館大学1 年生対象講義の教科書に於ける日本語 -語彙のレベルと傾向に関する考察-
  • ニホンバシ ガッカン ダイガク 1ネンセイ タイショウ コウギ ノ キョウカショ ニ オケル ニホンゴ : ゴイ ノ レベル ト ケイコウ ニ カンスル コウサツ

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There are many first-year students at college who worry about the difference from a high school. Moreover, foreign students need to take a lecture on a specialized subject in Japanese as a foreign language. It was found at the interview to a foreign student, that many foreign students who feel difficulty for study of a special subject. This research analyzed the textbook, specified as a first grader's lesson in Nihonbashi Gakkan University, from the lexical side. It was conducted in order to understand what kind of Japanese the foreign student contact with. As a result of the analysis, it requires a knowledge of vocabulary, old Level 2 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, to understand the textbooks. And, specific nonrated words occur frequently, which can be called "technical term". The future challenges are: 1) how to teach specific nonrated words in the Japanese class. 2) How to make a cooperation between the special subject class and the Japanese class.


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