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  • 平和の思想と階級闘争のイデオロギー


1. The axiom of peace and the pacifism<BR>“The peaceful co-existence and the peaceful settlement of international disputes” is something common among Marxists and non-Marxists, i. e., some sort of axiom. But the axiom itself should be distinguished from the idea of pacifism.Pacifists insist that nuclear weapons themselves threaten peace and that the peaceful settlement of international disputes should be unconditionally applied in all cases. Such an idea of pacifists is closely related to the idea of non-alignment in peace movement, distinguished from the non-alignment policy of some newly independent countries.<BR>2. Peaceful co-existence and class struggle<BR>Marxists insist that “?the co-existence of states with different social systems is a classs truggle between socialism and capitalism”. What is the relationship between peaceful co-existence and class struggle? That is the question, especially because peaceful co-existence is said to include even co-operation. This problem is related to the differences among Marxists concerning the under standing of that sentence.<BR>3. Peace movement and national liberation movement<BR>Peace movement has two aspects: one is campaign for the prohibition of nuclear weapons and the complete disarmament and the other is struggle against imperialism. How to unite these two aspects is one of the main issues in peace movement. It is closely connected with the problem of difference and unity of ideas among peace-loving people. Another important issue is the combination of peace movement with national liberation movement. The democratic principle of respect for independence and sovereignty is something common between them and it is also the ideological key to bringing the combination into being. The peoples of oppressed countries and the peace-loving forces have common interest against imperialism. This is the objective base of solidarity between them. The victory of world peace movement depends on how to combine national liberation movement with peaceful co-existence policy of socialist states and peace movement in capitalist countries, including struggle.


  • Philosophy (Tetsugaku)

    Philosophy (Tetsugaku) 1964 (14), 81-97, 1964-03-31

    The Philosophical Association of Japan

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