- DEGUCHI Katsuhiko
- Tokyo Research Laboratories, Kao Soap Company, Ltd.
- TOKIWA Fumikatsu
- Tokyo Research Laboratories, Kao Soap Company, Ltd.
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- Other Title
- 応力下の界面現象
- オウリョクカ ノ カイメン ゲンショウ カリュウ テンネン ゴム ノ クリープ
- The Effects of Surfactants on the Creep Behavior of Vulcanized Natural Rubber
- 加硫天然ゴムのクリープ挙動に及ぼす界面活性剤の影響
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The creep behavior of vulcanized natural rubber under the stress has been studied in aqueous solutions of surfactants, sodium dodecyl sulfate (NaC12S), octylphenyl polyoxyethylene ether (C8PhE9) and nonyl phenyl polyoxyethylene ether (C9PhE15). The creep elongation of the rubber in the presence of a surfactant was much larger than that in air or water, and the extent of the elongation depended on the type and the concentration of surfactants. In particular, the effect of C9PhE15 on the creep elongation was remarkable. These results may be interpreted as showing that a surfactant in solution promotes the wetting of the rubber surface and, at the same time, the network structure in the crosslinked rubber is loosened by the penetration of surfactant molecules into the structure.<BR>The results for wetting of the rubber by various types of organic solvents under the stress have shown that the critical surface tension (γc) of the rubber slightly increases with the strain, suggesting an increase of the surface free energy of the rubber increasing with the strain.
- Journal of Japan Oil Chemists' Society
Journal of Japan Oil Chemists' Society 26 (1), 35-40, 1977
Japan Oil Chemists' Society
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680308162048
- NII Article ID
- 130001014438
- NII Book ID
- AN00245435
- 0513398X
- 18842003
- 1807701
- Data Source
- JaLC
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- CiNii Articles
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