Studies of Cyclic Compounds Separated from Heated Oils and Fats-4-Cyclohexyl Compounds in the Cyclic Monomer Fraction Obtained from Heated Methyl β-Eleostearate(ノート)

  • KUSAKA Hyozi
    Department of Industrial Chemistry, College of Technology, Seikei University
  • MATSUO Noboru
    Department of Industrial Chemistry, College of Technology, Seikei University


  • Studies of Cyclic Compounds Separated from Heated Oils and Fats. IV.
  • Studies of Cyclic Compounds Separated f
  • Cyclohexyl Compounds in the Cyclic Monomer Fraction Obtained from Heated Methyl β-Eleostearate



Cyclic monomer fraction (β-CMF) was obtained from methyl β-eleostearate heated at 250°C for 10 hour under an inert atmosphere. <BR>The composition of β-CMF was identified by comparing its gas chromatogram with those of the synthesized C18 cyclic fatty acid esters. <BR>Consequently, a few cyclohexyl compounds, e.g., methyl 8- (2-η-butyl cyclohexyl) η-octanoate, were find out as small peaks on earlier retention time of the gas chromatogram. <BR>These results supported that the aromatic compounds were derived from the cyclohexadiene systems by disproportionaion reaction.


  • 油化学

    油化学 25 (9), 553-556, 1976

    公益社団法人 日本油化学会

詳細情報 詳細情報について

