

  • Government-Change and its Impact on Decision-Making Process of Foreign and Security Policies in Taiwan: Focusing on the Role of the National Security Council
  • 台湾における政権交代と外交安全保障政策決定過程 : 大陸政策に関するNSCの役割を中心に
  • タイワン ニ オケル セイケン コウタイ ト ガイコウ アンゼン ホショウ セイサク ケッテイ カテイ : タイリク セイサク ニ カンスル NSC ノ ヤクワリ オ チュウシン ニ
  • ―大陸政策に関するNSCの役割を中心に―



This paper aims to provide insights into the effects about the role of the National Security Council (NSC) from the government change to Taiwan’s foreign and security policy decision-making process.<br> The People’s Republic of China (PRC) conducted a series of missile tests targeting the Taiwan Strait from July 1995 to March 1996 after Lee Teng-hui, President of the Republic of China (ROC), visitedthe United Statesin June 1995. This international security crisis from the missile tests by the PRC is also called “The Third Taiwan Strait Crisis.” After thecrisis, the cross-Strait relations re-emerged as acritical security issue in East-Asia which might involve the United States and Japan.<br> Moreover, Chen Shui-bian, who is a member of the Democratic Progressive Party and declares promotion of Taiwan independence, won the presidential election in 2000. His presidency endedthe Kuomintang regime in Taiwan. The government change is not only marked in the political history of Taiwan or the ROC,but also has its significance in international politics.<br> Later, Taiwan has been worried to tend China by the government changeafter 2008, because Ma Yingjeouwon the presidential election in 2008, who is a member of the KMT and is considered “pro-China”.<br> However, Chen Shui-bian did not actually declare Taiwan independence during his term of office. The cross-Strait relation has improved at the time under Ma Ying-jeou’s administration. Nonetheless,most of the main policy by Ma’s administration is a continuation from Lee Teng-hui and Chen Shui-bian administration.<br> This paper used case study method and analyzed the operations about the NSC in Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou’s administration. Three major conclusions are as followed. First, the NSC is the only mechanism whichcan coordinates all sectors of the foreign and security policy decision-making process in Taiwan. When the core staffs forthe foreign and security policy around theNSC are stabilized, Taiwan’s foreign and security policy could maintain a critical stability. Second, the operations of the NSC have been over relied on the president’s personal leadership which leads to instability in the operations of the Taiwan’s foreign security policy decision-making process. The operations of the NSC are conducted by informal approaches from Lee Teng-hui to Ma Ying-jeou, while the formal foreign and security policy decision-making process is in the fragmentation. The NSC operations changed when the government changes as well as the presidents changed even though they are from the same party. The changes may lead to political blank or instability on foreign and security policy. Third, President of ROC has strong authority in the foreign security policy decision-making process when he wants to change or promote the policy. However, if President force through his demands, the foreign and security policy decision-making process will become instability because the formal mechanism is in the fragmentation.


  • 国際政治

    国際政治 2014 (177), 177_26-177_41, 2014

    一般財団法人 日本国際政治学会



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