Uncertainty analysis techniques for modeling of heterogeneous geological environment:
- Yanagizawa Koichi
- Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Tono Geoscience Center
- Osawa Hideaki
- Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Tono Geoscience Center
- Takeda Seietsu
- Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute, Tono Geoscience Center
- Takase Hiroyasu
- Quintessa co., ltd.
- Aoyama Yuji
- Quintessa co., ltd.
- Furuichi Mitsuaki
- Kajima co., ltd., Technical Research Institute
- Toida Masaru
- Kajima co., ltd., Technical Research Institute
- Suyama Yasuhiro
- Kajima co., ltd., Technical Research Institute
- Wakamatsu Naonori
- Asia Air Survey co., ltd.
- Nishigaki Makoto
- Okayama University, Department of Environmental and Civil Design, Faculty of Environmental Science and Technology
Bibliographic Information
- Other Title
- 地質環境特性評価の不確実性解析手法に関する検討
- 地質環境特性評価の不確実性解析手法に関する検討--variabilityとignoranceを考慮した不確実性解析の方法論の構築および東濃地域への適用
- チシツ カンキョウ トクセイ ヒョウカ ノ フカクジツセイ カイセキ シュホウ ニ カンスル ケントウ variability ト ignorance オ コウリョ シタ フカクジツセイ カイセキ ノ ホウホウロン ノ コウチク オヨビ トウノウ チイキ エ ノ テキヨウ
- Methodology for treating uncertainties associated with variability and ignorance
- ‐variabilityとignoranceを考慮した不確実性解析の方法論の構築および東濃地域への適用‐
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Assessment of the long-term safety of geological disposal needs to be based on a clear understanding of uncertainty and the role of performance assessment is to support this undestanding. For this purpose, it is important to identify and evaluate uncertainties associated with understanding the geological environment, which often exhibits significant heterogeneity at various scales. This evaluation must be done at every stage of the site characterization so that insights, thus gained, can be used to guide designing effective measures to reduce the uncertainty. In many applications, however, only a limited number of most plausible model options and data-sets are sought after and this prevents one from recognizing uncertainty explicitly. In the current study we propose an alternative approach where all the possible options in the models and data-sets that cannot be excluded in the light of the evidence available is identified. This approach enables uncertainties associated with the understanding at a given stage of the site characterization to be made explicitly. This, in turn, supports the design of the following stage to reduce the uncertainties efficiently. In this paper a methodology for analyzing the uncertainty in a heterogeneous geological environment is discussed. The methodology has also been tested in Tono area, to demonstrate its applicability.
- Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment
Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment 10 (1-2), 5-20, 2004
Division of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Environment, Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680313450752
- NII Article ID
- 130003378402
- NII Book ID
- AA11891371
- 13434446
- 21867135
- 18847579
- 7928049
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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