Assessment and care of tinea pedis/unguium for prevention of diabetic foot ulcer

  • Takehara Kimie
    Department of Nursing Administration and Advanced Clinical Nursing, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  • Oe Makoto
    Department of Advanced Nursing Technology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  • Noguchi Hiroshi
    Department of Life Support Technology (Molten), Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
  • Ohashi Yumiko
    The University of Tokyo Hospital
  • Tsunemi Yuichiro
    Department of Gerontological Nursing/ Wound Care Management, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo
  • Sanada Sanada
    Department of Dermatology, Tokyo Women's Medical University

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  • 糖尿病足潰瘍予防を目的とした足白癬・爪白癬のアセスメントとケア
  • トウニョウビョウ ソク カイヨウ ヨボウ オ モクテキ ト シタ アシ ハクセン ・ ツメ ハクセン ノ アセスメント ト ケア

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Early assessment of nonulcerative pathology and proper care are important for the prevention of diabetic foot ulcer. This article focused on tinea, a nonulcerative pathology. Infection and deterioration prevention by early detection are essential for the care of tinea. First, we examined effective foot washing methods for removing dermatophytes attached to the feet and then the usefulness of sheets for foot care. The results showed that daily foot washing, washing between each toe 4 or 5 times with soap, appropriate advice on posture when patients have difficulty reaching their feet with their hands, and using sheets for foot care when patients have difficulty physically washing their feet can be effective for tinea prevention. For early detection, the possibility of tinea should be considered when scales appear on the foot, nail has discoloration, or the skin temperature of the toe whose nail has subungual hyperkeratosis is <33.0℃. Therefore, assessment of patients’ self-care ability or tinea and providing the appropriate care described herein are important for the prevention of diabetic foot ulcer.



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