A New Green Tea Cultivar ‘Nagomiyutaka’ for ‘Kamairicha’ and ‘Sencha’

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  • 釜炒り茶及び煎茶用新品種‘なごみゆたか’の育成
  • カマ イリ チャ オヨビ センチャヨウ シン ヒンシュ'ナゴミユタカ'ノ イクセイ

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A new cultivar ‘Nagomiyutaka’ for green tea was bred at the Tea Branch Facility, Miyazaki Agricultural Research Institute and released on 2010. ‘Nagomiyutaka’ was selected out of seedlings crossed between ‘Saitama No.16’ and ‘Fuku 8’ in 1988. <br>The characteristics of ‘Nagomiyutaka’ are as follows ; <br>‘Nagomiyutaka’ is medium budding, the plucking time of the 1st crop is about 1 day later than in ‘Yabukita’. The shape of the plant is slightly erect type and the growth is slightly vigorous. <br>‘Nagomiyutaka’ is fairly resistant to tea gray blight (Pestalotiopsis longiseta (Spegazzini) Dai et Kobayashi). But it is slightly susceptible to tea anthracnose (Colletotrichum theae-sinensis (Miyake) Yamamoto) and tea blister blight (Exobasidium vexans Massee). <br>It is middle resistant to cold damage in midwinter and fairly resistant to bark split frost injury in early winter. The yield of ‘Nagomiyutaka’ is higher than that of ‘Yabukita’. The quality is very high for ‘Sencha’ and ‘Kamairicha’, a kind of green tea. The aroma and taste of ‘Nagomiyutaka’ is very good because aroma is sweet smell and taste is very mild.



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