A Study on Supervision of Chief Care Managers : Growth Factors and Practical Methods

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  • 主任介護支援専門員のスーパービジョン実践に関する研究 : 成長の要因と実践方法
  • シュニンカイゴシエン センモンイン ノ スーパービジョン ジッセン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ : セイチョウ ノ ヨウイン ト ジッセン ホウホウ

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The present study aims to clarify the practice of supervision by chief care managers. Focusing on the working environment and background of chief care managers, we conducted a group interview on the growth factors and practical methods. As a result it was revealed that the environment influenced their motivation. Chief care managers were found to have grown as supervisors through verbalizing their experiences at case study meetings. As a practical method of supervision, they made good use of their own experiences of supervision to approach their supervisees with respect and to extend support. While being careful to ask questions that promote awareness on the part of the supervisees, they also employed decisiveness when needed. On the other hand, it was suggested that their self-definition as supervisors were not fully developed. For chief care managers to work effectively as professionals in providing personal assistance, it is important to establish a methodology of supervision which utilizes case studies that are part of their daily work.


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