An examination of lifestyle of community-dwelling frail elderly people using an activity monitoring evaluation system (A-MES)

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  • Fujita Yoshihiko
  • Takata Yu
    筑波大学大学院人間総合科学研究科ヒューマン・ケア科学専攻福祉医療学 アール医療福祉専門学校
  • Kubota Tomohiro
  • Hotta Kazushi
  • Nakamura Shigemi
  • Okuno Junko
  • Yanagi Hisako

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  • 生活活動度計 (A-MES) を用いた地域在住虚弱高齢者の生活活動度の検討
  • セイカツ カツドウドケイ(A-MES)オ モチイタ チイキ ザイジュウ キョジャク コウレイシャ ノ セイカツ カツドウド ノ ケントウ

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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to examine quantitative activity and determine characteristics using an activity meter in community-dwelling frail elderly people.<br>Methods : We monitored 25 community-dwelling elderly of support-requiring condition level1 and 2 by attaching activity monitoring evaluation system (A-MES) and measured physical activity (PA) over 24 hours as well as body information, care information, everyday life function.<br>We examined according to sex / care category using obtained results.<br>Results : Women's standing position time and walk time were significantly longer, and men's daytime lying position and sitting position time were significantly longer.<br>Also, in persons of support-required condition level 2 there was a significantly higher number of posture changes from sitting position to daytime lying position.<br>It was suggested that a quantitative evaluation of the PA could lead to discovery of activity decrease in home life in association with each PA item and low rank criteria of the functional independence measure (FIM).<br>Securing of enough walk time and shortening of the lying position time in the daytime tend to be important for self-care ability and maintenance of locomotiveness.<br>Conclusion : It was suggested that the evaluation of shortening the lying position time in the daytime and increasing the amount of position changes will supplement a decrease of the PA, which is related to preventing decrease in activity.


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