Evaluation of Changes in Sleep Quality and Patient Satisfaction after the Implementation of Protocol-based Pharmacotherapy Management (PBPM) for Sleep Disturbance
- Ito Hikaru
- 平松内科・呼吸器内科小牧ぜんそく睡眠リハビリクリニック薬剤部
- Hiramatsu Tetsuo
- 平松内科・呼吸器内科小牧ぜんそく睡眠リハビリクリニック呼吸器内科
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- Other Title
- 睡眠障害に対するプロトコールに基づく薬物治療管理(PBPM)後の睡眠状況の変化と患者満足度の評価
- スイミン ショウガイ ニ タイスル プロトコール ニ モトズク ヤクブツ チリョウ カンリ(PBPM)アト ノ スイミン ジョウキョウ ノ ヘンカ ト カンジャ マンゾクド ノ ヒョウカ
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<p>Introduction: In patients with sleep disturbance, doctors and pharmacists jointly implemented protocol-based pharmacotherapy management (PBPM), and examined the effects and levels of patient satisfaction achieved with this therapeutic approach.</p><p>Methods: The subjects were 21 patients with insomnia. Prior to medical consultations with the doctor, the pharmacist collected the patients' information by interviewing them, and followed the protocol to determine their need for sleep medicine, propose optimal prescriptions, and use a cognitive-behavioral therapy approach. Three months after the intervention, changes in the patients' sleep quality were evaluated using the Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), Insomnia Severity Inventory (ISI), and Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS). To evaluate the levels of patient satisfaction, we used the Japanese version of the Client Satisfaction Questionnaire comprising 8 items (CSQ-8J).</p><p>Results: The patients' scores pertaining to sleep quality before intervention were PSQI: 10.3±4.1, ISI: 15.0±5.3, and ESS: 8.7±6.6, all of which showed significant improvement 3 months after the intervention to respective values of 7.2±2.7, 8.3±4.3, and 6.2±5.5. The mean score for CSQ-8J was 25.5±3.1, indicating high levels of patient satisfaction. No serious adverse events were observed.</p><p>Conclusions: The use of PBPM in patients with sleep disturbance can ameliorate their insomnia symptoms and yield high levels of patient satisfaction. Our findings suggested that PBPM allows pharmacists to play an active role in the treatment of insomnia and contribute to the provision of appropriate drug therapy tailored to the needs of individual patients.</p>
- An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association
An Official Journal of the Japan Primary Care Association 40 (2), 79-85, 2017
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Details 詳細情報について
- 1390282680319012096
- NII Article ID
- 130006903376
- NII Book ID
- AA12479442
- 21872791
- 21852928
- 028391154
- Text Lang
- ja
- Data Source
- JaLC
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