

  • Jahwe as King
  • オウ ト シテ ノ ヤハウェ



Problems, and Methods to handle them.<br>(1) the date when this conception appeared.<br>This subject must be considered not only by a text-critical method (Otto Eissfeldt), but also by a tradition-historical one (Martin Noth).<br>(2) the interpretation of this conception.<br>This conception is interpreted symbolically (H. J. Kraus) or mythologically (S. Mowinckel).<br>(3) the reason why this conception is held back from mentioning it in the Old Testament.<br>This problem must be considered by understanding the nature of internal-external attitude the Israelite cultivated in “Amphietyony”. (Jdc. 8: 22-33, 9: 1-57).<br>Conclusions.<br>(1) This conception appeared in the age when the Isralite formed “Amphictyony” and yet not built the kingdom, and they accepted from the Canaanite through the “Entmythologisierung” (G. v. Rad).<br>(2) Basing on H. J. Kraus's grammatical analysis of “Thronbesteigungspsalmen” and his criticism on S. Mowinckel's opinion, I understood this conception symbolically.<br>(3) (a) The Israelite acquired the idea of a direct theocracy in the age of “Amphictyony, ” and, as above mentioned, did so through the “Entmythologisierung.”<br>(b) “The History of Abimelech” symbolizes the tension between the Israelite nature and the Canaanite one. The Israelite felt a resentment against the secular kingship, so they held back from mentioning this conception (Jahwe as King) in the Old testament.


  • オリエント

    オリエント 6 (3), 1-15,60, 1963

    一般社団法人 日本オリエント学会


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