Correlative Evaluation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data and Building Area

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  • 合成開口レーダと建築物面積との相関性評価
  • ゴウセイ カイコウ レーダ ト ケンチクブツ メンセキ ト ノ ソウカンセイ ヒョウカ

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 For the advancement of a recycling society, it is necessary to quantify the material stock and flow, ranging from natural resource input to waste, that are caused by human socio-economic activities. Global material analysis using detailed scales and uniform data is needed, but restricted due to data availability. In this study, the correlation between PALSAR (Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar) data and building area in Kanto region of Japan were evaluated by combination of multiple-resolutions and land use/land cover. The results show a strong correlation between SAR and building area in the case of mesh cells larger than the satellite resolution since the inherence noises were reduced by the process of averaging when increasing mesh cell size. It was observed that strong correlation can be omitted by prior omission of forest areas with land use/land cover data as it is for our previous study.



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