Children with Autism Thrive in English Class

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  • 自閉症児にコミュニケーション力を育む英語活動
  • 自閉症児にコミュニケーション力を育む英語活動--小学校・特別支援学級での実践から
  • ジヘイショウジ ニ コミュニケーションリョク オ ハグクム エイゴ カツドウ ショウガッコウ トクベツ シエン ガッキュウ デ ノ ジッセン カラ
  • --Practicing in a Special Education Program Class--

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A special education program (Wakakusa class) has been set up for the mentally handicapped children at the school (Ninoe Public Elementary School at Tokyo Edogawa-ward) where I currently work. Registered in that class are 14 children who have features of autism, pervasive developmental disorder, and the likes, 3 mentally retarded students, and 3 pupils with Down's disease. Autism is a developmental disorder caused by the imperfect of the central nervous system that is distinguished by a characteristic triad of symptoms, namely: 1) impaired interpersonal relationship and social interaction; 2) impairments in language and communication; and 3) restricted interest and self-stimulatory behavior. However, since some peculiar cases can also be seen like the superior music sensibility of some of them, it is said that there is also an unknown field concerning the function of the brain. (Yoshihisa Abe [An Introduction to Special Needs Education] Nihon Bunkasha, 2006) In order for the autistic children to develop their Japanese communication skill, the teachers create teaching material. On the other hand, if these children find it difficult to communicate in Japanese which is their first language, I thought that learning a second language such as English would be good for them. At the same time, I thought that the process of second language acquisition may influence and hopefully, have good effect in their Japanese. Furthermore, children must be symbolic, self-determined, independent, and have the energy and vitality to keep up with the progressing globalization. That is also the makings of the foundation of international communication power. Even the children who have special needs are not an exception. It was through "Cheerful Communication Activities Made way for the Truant and the Autistic Child to be the ALT's Favorite" and "The Ability to Have Pleasant Conversation without Fear and Hesitation Obtained" (Kanji Watanabe [International and English Communication in Elementary and Junior High Schools:Issues and Perspectives] Bunkyo Gakuin University Department of Foreign Languages and Bunkyo Gakuin College Bulletin 7th issue 2007) that I gained confidence in English activities. Through this practice, I hope that each and every autistic child would be able to build interpersonal relations, pull out the initiative and confidence to communicate, and to cultivate individuality.


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