<b>体育授業における熟練教師と新任教師の指導技術の比較研究 </b>


  • Comparison Between Experienced and Novice Teachers’ Teaching Skills in Physical Education
  • 体育授業における熟練教師と新任教師の指導技術の比較研究 : 教師のフィードバックと授業場面の期間記録及び子どもの受けとめ方との関係を通して
  • タイイク ジュギョウ ニ オケル ジュクレン キョウシ ト シンニン キョウシ ノ シドウ ギジュツ ノ ヒカク ケンキュウ : キョウシ ノ フィードバック ト ジュギョウ バメン ノ キカン キロク オヨビ コドモ ノ ウケトメカタ ト ノ カンケイ オ トオシテ
  • <b>─教師のフィードバックと授業場面の期間記録及び </b><b>子どもの受けとめ方との関係を通して─</b>
  • — Focusing on the Times Allotted to Each Episode of Teaching and Student’s Awareness of Teacher’s Feedback —



The purpose of this study is to identify characteristics of effective teaching strategy through a comparison of experienced and novice teachers’ teaching behavior in ball-game units in elementary school physical education.<br>In the study, we analyze various elements in the teaching units in order to identify characteristics of teacher management techniques and teacher-student interaction. Secondly, we analyze “students’ perception of teacher advice” in order to clarify how advice were received by students.<br>Our purpose is to propose effective teaching skills for novice teachers to allow them to perform more like experienced teachers early on.<br>The study is based on case studies of two ball-game units (a total of 16 classes) taught by two elementary school teachers.<br>The main findings of the study were as follows: The experienced teacher dedicated much time to independent motor skill learning throughout the unit, and interacted with each student, giving a high amount of corrective/affirmative feedback concerning student motor skills. Advice was perceived as useful by most students. Furthermore, the experienced teacher establishes learning discipline in the early stages of the unit and in order to secure time for independent motor skill learning.


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