Impact Study of the Japanese Government Scholarship Policy toward Indonesian Students from the Perspective of Fostering Pro-Japanese Leaders


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  • 日本の留学生政策のインドネシアにおける影響


The goal of the Japanese Government's Foreign Student Support Policy can be divided into two: 1) to contribute to the human resources development in recipient countries, and 2) to deepen mutual understanding and friendship with those countries by fostering pro-Japan people. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate its impact toward Indonesia from the second perspective.<BR>Total of 6, 630 Indonesians studied in Japan: Japanese government sponsored students (36.0%), Indonesian Government sponsored students (28.5%), and private or no scholarship students (31.9%). Among government scholarship recipients, those who were dispatched before 1965 took important posts in the government or private sector in the period just after the independence; those who were dispatched after 1966 mostly became academic staffs of university or government officers.<BR>In the questionnaire survey, Japanese alumni showed more affection to the Japanese than non study abroad group and than USA alumni to the American. Their Japanese ability showed strong correlation with their satisfaction with study environment and participation in friendship promotion activities.<BR>It can be concluded that the Japanese government's foreign student support policy was successful in Indonesia in fostering pro-Japan people who further strengthened the tie and understanding between the two countries.


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